Meaning of (आयरलैंड़ और स्काटलैंड़ की भाषा) ayaralaind aur skatalaind kee bhasha,ayaralaind aur skatalaind ki bhasha in english
As adjective :
Suggested : a Celtic language that includes the speech of ancient Ireland and the dialects that have developed from it, especially those usually known as Irish, Manx, and Scots Gaelic gaelic constitutes the Goidelic subbranch of Celtic Abbreviation
Word of the day
(आयरलैंड़ और स्काटलैंड़ की भाषा) ayaralaind aur skatalaind kee bhasha,ayaralaind aur skatalaind ki bhasha
can be used as adjective.. No of characters: 28 including vowels consonants matras.
Transliteration :
aayaralai.n.Da aura skaaTalai.n.Da kii bhaaShaa